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Insights Meet our new Escapee, Alicia!

Alicia Rockall
Alicia Rockall
Client Partner

09 Feb 2023

2 minute read

insight hero

It’s an Escape tradition that we ask our new recruits some fun but telling quickfire questions, so meet Alicia Rockall, our new Client Partner.

No judgement please, this is a safe place...

Last live concert 
Harry Styles at Wembley! 

Dark or milk chocolate (white is just not an option sorry, ok maybe a white chocolate mouse)
Dark. I like to trick myself into thinking it’s good for you.

Favourite holiday destination
Croatia - beautiful place, beautiful people, beautiful food.

Superhero power
Magic, I’m thinking Scarlett Witch vibes.

Pineapple on pizza?
YES and I don’t care who knows it. You’re childish if you don’t ;)

Most famous person you’ve met
Living in London for uni meant I met a fair few famous people! I once did a gig where Dennis Quaid was in the audience, and met Daisy Ridley in our local coffee shop - both pretty cool! I also bumped into Marina of Marina and The Diamonds in a tube station, not knowing who she was, and proceeded to sing her own song ‘Primadonna’ AT HER. When she told me who she was… YIKES!

Favourite all-time movie
For pure nostalgia, anything Jane Austen, like ‘Pride and Prejudice' with Keira Knightley or ‘Little Women' (not Greta’s version, although we love Florence Pugh).

Nickname as a kid
Lici (Liss-ey) as a cute abbreviation of my name. In high school, I was also called ‘Moon’ due to the spherical nature of my noggin, but I’m trying to block that out…

Favourite junk food
I have a bit of a ‘special’ at Maccies: chicken nugget happy meal with a banana milkshake and fries, and a cheeseburger with extra onions and extra gherkins, YUM!

Coffee - black or white?
White pleaseeeee - cappuccino is my fav.

And finally, tell us something completely random about yourself (we won’t tell anyone. promise)
Honestly, the most random thing about me is my love for ASMR and, if you’re eagle-eyed on my LinkedIn page you’ll come across my YouTube channel. Most people think it’s v weird… JUST SO QUIRKY AND RANDOM.

Let's talk

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you connect strategically, creatively or digitally, then call us or get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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