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Insights Meet Em, our new Escapee!

Emily Stewart-Wooler
Emily Stewart-Wooler
Senior Marketing Executive

17 Nov 2022

2 minute read

insight hero

It’s an Escape tradition that we ask our new recruits some fun but telling quickfire questions, so meet Emily Stewart-Wooler, our new Senior Marketing Executive! No judgement please, this is a safe place...


Last live concert 
I saw Dua Lipa earlier this year and I think that might have been one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. I’d see her again any day of the week in a heartbeat.

Dark or milk chocolate (white is just not an option sorry, ok maybe a white chocolate mouse)
As a self-proclaimed chocoholic, all chocolate is created equal in my eyes. But if I was forced to make a decision, probably milk - or what about dark milk? Or is that cheating…

Favourite holiday destination
It’s a bit of a family joke that I was Italian in a past life, so I would have to say Italy! But Australia also has a special place in my heart, so maybe they're tied.

Superhero power
Ooh this is a tricky one… maybe teleportation or super speed so I can go to all the far away places without the crazy long flights!

Pineapple on pizza?
Just no. If you say yes to this I’m not sure we can be friends.

Most famous person you’ve met
I bumped into Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry in a restaurant a few years ago - might be slightly underwhelming if you’re not into Bake Off, but as an avid watcher, it was pretty awesome. And they're both exactly as you would imagine, Mary is a sweetheart.

Favourite all-time movie
I’m a bit of a secret nerd and love Lord of the Rings, so would have to say Fellowship of the Ring.

Nickname as a kid
I always got the classic Em or Emmy, but I randomly get called Bem by my family.

Favourite junk food
Probably has to be a classic McDonald’s sausage and egg McMuffin with a hash brown.

Coffee - black or white?
Generally, I’m just happy to have a coffee! But if I had the choice, white - ideally a nice strong flat white, please.

And finally, tell us something completely random about yourself (we won’t tell anyone, promise)
I was accidentally in an ad for the brand Soap & Glory for Cosmopolitan magazine!

Let's talk

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